Thursday, December 10, 2009

I'm Dreaming of a "Green" Christmas LOL

Well it seems like the Christmas weather is finally here! Haha, the past few days have been full of cold windy snowy days :) Kinda interesting and fun to drive in lol. We put our Christmas tree and lights up and now I guess that we're just settling in for the season and long winter ahead of us!

Bri is getting bigger every day. She's such an adorable cutie! Waving now, jabbering, and just making our lives so much brighter and more joyful. What would life be like w/out little kids to make us remember the simple things in life?!

My job is going well, still loving it, and getting to know the kids better every time I work. Each of their own personalities, all the little smiles and tears lol. And of course the screaming tantrums, and kicking and so on! Dont forget that of course :D

God has just been good to me, and I'm thankful for it! I just cant wait for Christmas to be here, altho I still have most of my shopping to get done! Wishing u all a Merry Christmas!!

Our tree, and the pic actually turned out! yay haha

Lights on our window ...


Bri and me!

Bri smilin for the camera lol.

Another picture??? seriously aunt "rara"?

And my personal favorite! Bri and her love of lipgloss! LOL

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Oh the weather outside is frightful! :P

Well I haven't taken very many pictures lately. But I still wanted to keep up w/ this anyways! Today was a great day, I just hung out w/ my sister and bro-in-law - and had a wonderful day! I'd almost forgotten how COLD New York can be this time of year! WOW! Anyways, I'm pretty sure that there will be lots of snow to go with our Christmas this year. :D

So far my job has been going great. I really love spending time with the little kids, altho a few of them are a little bit mischievous! To say the very least :P LOL!

Bri is growing like crazy and is pulling herself up on furniture and everything now! My little baby all growed up! I'm so proud of her. She's definitely the cutest thing around!
Life has been going pretty great for me lately, and I've got some awesome people in it who make me smile! Hope that this November is an awesome month for you all!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Awesome times!

Me and my friend abby ... fall is awesome :D

Another shot ... straight this time haha

Pumpkins make nice seats :P

A candid shot of Beth - LOL - She's laughing btw :P


Posing w/ the apple


fall is in the air ... maybe winter already hehe

Father, daughter bonding time ...

And of course ending w/ a pic of Bri :D

Its been a long time since I did a blog post! I feel kinda lazy! Anyways ... Life is always interesting around here! Thankfully things seem to be settling down around here, and getting cozy for winter! It was freeeeezing today! Definitely time to find the winter clothes, boots and coats! I love fall tho! Something about the smell in the air, the apples on the trees, and my breath going up in clouds puts an extra bounce in my step :D Here are some random pics, friends, family and stuff like that :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Little things in life ... ♥

So I was inspired by Ena and Katie to write a list of 50 things that I'm thankful for. Just little things that we forget sometimes .....

1. Crickets
2. Fans
3. Peanut M&M's
4. Sleep
5. Cell phones
6. Email
7. Late nights
8. The Smoky Mountains
9. Streams
10. Christmas
11. Nicknames
12. Nieces
13. Books
14. Some good ol' laughter
15. Cars - especially my brand new one! hehe
16. Chocolate cookie dough ice cream!
17. Bobby pins
18. Fuzzy hoodies
19. Baby's smiles
20. Ipods
21. Dr Pepper
22. Teddy bears
23. Curling irons
24. Reese cups
25. Bonfires
26. Breeze coming in the windows
27. Contacts! - I love them ... so much better then glasses
28. Cute necklaces
29. My cat peaches - she's an interesting one :P
30. Running water (learned 2 be thankful for that one in Romania :D)
31. Books - duh lol.
32. Laptops
33. Plums
34. friends
35. Tearjerker movies ;)
36. Cameras
37. Dish soap
38. Microwaves (Whoever came up w/ them was a genius!!!)
39. Milkshakes
40. Tim Horton's Ice caps
41. Pictures in frames
42. Voices
43. Witty sayings
44. Nail polish
45. Chairs
46. Beds (when I have one lol)
47. Electricity
48. Lip gloss
49. Pillows
50. Head phones

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


My amazing, random, wonderful, talented, crazy, spontaneous, (and beautiful friend, I might add) turns 18 today!!! OH my GOSH! My little girl all growed up!! HAHA. I love u aire, Hope that 2day is one of the best days of your life that you will remember for years to come!
Wish that I could be there to make ur day soooooooo much better! :D Cause you know that life is soooooo boring there w/out me to trip up the stairs! Ikms! But just wanted to wish you an awesome day over there! Miss you girl, bunches and millions lol.
Go celebrate at the Italian restaurant or something!! hehe! Think of meeee! Sending a hug alllllll the way over there! Wish for something special when u blow out those candles lol :P


My all time favorist pic of aire .... just shows her
personality! :D

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sooo I started writing this awhile ago - tell me what ya'll think now :D

Here's is a trial run of a short story that I started writing before I moved again lol. I've settled down again (supposedly hehe) So my writing state of mind seems to have returned for the moment. Just a warning to u wonderful writers out there who know so much more then me haha. But pleeeeaseee feel free to tell me whats messed up here and what should be fixed. Just dont expect too much lol.
No pics 2day - my normal subject is in ohio - so I can't capture her sweet smiling face! Sniff sniff. I miss her and sam so much! :D Anyways - thats all for now! Comment please :D ......

“Are you crazy!”
Courtney turned to face her friend, and mentally prepared herself for the tirade that was sure to follow. “What’s wrong Rach?”
“You’re going to waltz off to Africa, and still have the guts to ask me what’s wrong?” She flung her car keys on the table, and pulled her sun glasses off. “Court, do you realize how much pain you are putting everyone through?”
“This is what I have always wanted to do Rachel!“ Courtney ran a shaky hand through her hair, and tucked a strand behind one ear. “You know that I’ve always wanted to be a missionary.”
“Yeah, but not by yourself!” Rachel grabbed Courtney’s arm and propelled her towards the couch. “What are you thinking? Going on a whim again, trying to get yourself killed?”
“Ha, very funny!” Courtney playfully punched her friend on the arm, “Come on Rachel! You need to settle down, everything’s gonna be fine.”
“Right.” Rachel shifted on the couch, and pulled on her shirt sleeve. “That’s easy for you to say. I’m the one who has to sit here and wait for you come home.”
“Come with me then!” Courtney stood up, “Seriously Rachel, I probably could get you a flight, why don’t you come on the trip?”
“Some people have jobs and a real life! Obviously I can’t go running off to Africa whenever I want to.” She stood up, and brushed at imaginary wrinkles in her skirt. “You are living in a world that doesn’t exist Court. All this “Jesus makes everything better stuff” just doesn’t work.” She slipped her sunglasses into place to hide the hurt in her eyes and gently squeezed her friend‘s arm. “See ya in a few weeks.”

"Man, you'd think life would get better eventually!" Rachel kicked the table leg and grabbed her big toe, wincing at the pain that shot through her foot. Life never made any sense, and she was sick of trying to figure it out. "Why am I even alive?" She whispered, trying to choke back the sobs that threatened to surface. "My life has no meaning, I exist, and what for?"
She grabbed her pillow and hugged it against her chest, wishing that the ache in her heart would go away. The tinny sounds of Sweet Home Alabama filled the room and she groped around the bed for her cell phone. She flipped it open, and snapped "Rachel speaking." into the mouthpiece.
"Yes Rachel, this is your boss. Can I ask why you aren't at work?" She blew a strand of hair away from her eyes, and glanced up at the clock, her eyes widening when she saw the time. "Oh my gosh Adam! I'm so sorry! I didn't realize what time it was, I'll be right over." She ended the call and jumped up, her hands tearing wildly at the ponytail in her hair. The life she had planned since she was eleven just wasn't panning out. This was never how she pictured things, she was supposed to be a fashion designer who made money and didn't have a care in life. Now it just seemed that everyone was leaving her behind.


"Glad to see that you finally showed up 'Your Highness'. We were starting to worry." The blonde flipped her hair over her shoulder and gave Rachel a haughty smile. "How important do u think you are?"
Rachel rubbed her aching forehead and tried to ignore the girl's jib. "Can you tell me where Adam is please?"
"Upstairs, where you were supposed to be right now."
Rachel ignored the comment and hurried up the stairs two at a time, hoping that she wasn't gonna get an earful from her boss.
"Hey Adam, I'm here!" She tapped on the door, and swung it open, trying to get her composure and act normal. "You want me to get that new model, she's in Bob's office."
"Just a sec Rachel." Adam closed his laptop, and came around the desk, his eyes taking in her messy hair and wrinkled shirt. "What's going on?"
"Nothing!" Her fingernails dug into her palm, and she made herself met his eyes. "I'm fine Adam, I've had a lot of stress lately."
"Well please don't bring your personal life to work Rachel. We have enough problems as it is." He gave her a cold, professional smile, and nodded toward the door. "Please bring in the model now."
She closed the door with a slam before she got the urge to slap the nitwit across the face. It seemed like no one understood her anymore, and where was Courtney when she needed her?

Monday, August 24, 2009

Pepperoni, Van rides, and Photo Shoot! :D

Well HEY everyone! U know that your so proud of me for posting again so soon!!! I had some random pictures that I haven't posted, so I thought that you all might like to see them :D Brianna at her cutest, and us at our oddest LOL!
We are offically moved into our new apartment and yesterday was a day of unloading and more unloading - ekk that can be rather stressful at times. Im just glad to finally have our own place now and hopefully stay here for awhile! Ahhh, can u tell that moving isn't my favorite thing? hehe!
Love ya'll!! And miss most of ya :P

Bri - rather aggravated at her Aunt "Rara" For making her
stay still for the photo shoot :P

She LOVES pepporani - this is a pic of the 1st time she ate it!

She cracks me up! :D

My litt' angel baby!

The flag - I'm proud to be an american!

Bri w/ her favorite aunt :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My New CAR!!!!!! :D

Well as most of you know I got my new car 2 weeks ago!!! I finally got time to do a post - so I figured that ya'll would like to see some pics. Its a Hydunai Accent 2009 :) Its pretty sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!! Let me know what u think!!! I loooove it! :D
Sorry that I haven't posted in such a long time - but things have been rather intersting around here lol. Pray that my dad gets a job soon and that we can get our own house! Bri is growing up faster and faster, my little baby is almost 6 months old already. Wow time sure flies by when ur not watching. There's a few pics of her on the bottom of this post ... she is soooo adorable!

The interior - I love how my tassel matches! :D

I love how small it is - I can zoom just about anywhere.

From the front ....

And the side - and all paid for!!!

She's so grown up already!!!! I love my baby!

And here's her typical "BRI" face - she does it all the time :)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Back in Good old Dixie!

Hey ya'll!!!! Wow its been a long time since I did a post! I know that some certain people are dying without my wonderful posts, so I had to do this just for them! LOL. Alabama has been awesome so far. The Gloryland campmeeting was probably the best meeting that I've been in. Its was wonderful, amazing, so full of God, and not just about people. I loved it! Goshhh, gloryland is such an awesome church - i really missed it! It's so nice to be back with some old friends and stuff too. We're doing a sleep over 2nite, which Im really looking forward too! yay!!!
I'm seriously missing my woodwind buddy tho! I was only home for two days in between Romania and Alabama, so im still a little bit confused! haha, always on the move, busy and running around about something! it can be pretty interesting! Me and my sis are staying here for another 2 weeks tho - so we have plenty of time to just hang out and have fun 2gether.
Well I'll see ya all later! Don't miss me too much now! I love u guys! I'll try to put some more pics and videos up when i get the chance! Love ya'll!!!!!

A bad pic of the fireworks haha

a sign that was right in back of us during the fireworks ....
hmm a sign from God?? LOL

Some guys playing before the service ..

The Gloryland Singers

Monday, June 29, 2009

Last day here! :(

Well all I can say is that Romania has been completely amazing! What an awesome experience, and what an opportunity for me! I'll be so glad to have running water and a toilet again! See we just don't know what we have until we dont have it anymore LOL.
It's gonna be kinda sad to leave all the little kids and sweet people behind. They are so friendly and accepting over here. Church on Sunday was pretty awesome ... they had 86 people which fills up the church building and makes it pretty stuffed! :D
I'll be glad to see my fam and niece again tho!! All of us have gotten along so good that it'll be kinda sad to have that over with too. Me and Anna are chums now ... keeping everyone straight and outa trouble! And Pat and Dan welll ... they are still busy stealing stuff and being mean!! HAHA, naw they're both realy nice .... uh sometimessssss.
K ... ttyl later! Here's some pictures from Sunday and the past few days.

Me and a little baby named Adam ... after Adam Zander :)

An ADORABLE little girl ... awww she's sooo sweet!!!

Some really sweet girls in sunday school class

More kids ... there were soooooo many this week!

Church packed out .. I couldnt even get in the door!!!

Me on the train going home at like 12am ...

Kentucky fried chicken!!! YAY!

Mrs. Zander's birthday cake :D

Romanian ice cream ... isnt it weird?!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Some pics from Sunday etc ...

Mr Zander ... sunday morning :)

The fence that the guys have been working on ...
it looks pretty good!!

Interesting appetizers at the resturant

Aire and a little girl from the church

I forget her name ... but she's soo adorable :)


A group of happy little kids!