Monday, September 14, 2009

The Little things in life ... ♥

So I was inspired by Ena and Katie to write a list of 50 things that I'm thankful for. Just little things that we forget sometimes .....

1. Crickets
2. Fans
3. Peanut M&M's
4. Sleep
5. Cell phones
6. Email
7. Late nights
8. The Smoky Mountains
9. Streams
10. Christmas
11. Nicknames
12. Nieces
13. Books
14. Some good ol' laughter
15. Cars - especially my brand new one! hehe
16. Chocolate cookie dough ice cream!
17. Bobby pins
18. Fuzzy hoodies
19. Baby's smiles
20. Ipods
21. Dr Pepper
22. Teddy bears
23. Curling irons
24. Reese cups
25. Bonfires
26. Breeze coming in the windows
27. Contacts! - I love them ... so much better then glasses
28. Cute necklaces
29. My cat peaches - she's an interesting one :P
30. Running water (learned 2 be thankful for that one in Romania :D)
31. Books - duh lol.
32. Laptops
33. Plums
34. friends
35. Tearjerker movies ;)
36. Cameras
37. Dish soap
38. Microwaves (Whoever came up w/ them was a genius!!!)
39. Milkshakes
40. Tim Horton's Ice caps
41. Pictures in frames
42. Voices
43. Witty sayings
44. Nail polish
45. Chairs
46. Beds (when I have one lol)
47. Electricity
48. Lip gloss
49. Pillows
50. Head phones


juli said...

Good things to be thankful for except the NAIL POLISH SAR!!!! :)

Sarah P said...

Hey I think that nail polish is DEFINITELY something 2 be thankful 4! It covers up ugly toenails! :P :P Good to have u so close again ju!

Amy said...

Sarah that is great, I love it! You're so right- how many little things i totally forget to be thankfull for but when added up they're huge!