Well ... we have another kitty!!! Can you believe it!! So cute and cuddly, Pumpkin is about 13 weeks old, and as cute as ever! Peaches hasn't decided if she really likes him or not, but I think that they will become best buddies pretty fast.
The first day she decided to take refuge on top of our cupboards (like way high up over every one's heads!!!) But I think that she is getting used to the idea and starting to enjoy the playtime with him :) Poor cat, she went through a traumatic experience being dethroned after 2 years!
The "Come and See Jubilee" starts a week from tomorrow, and I am personally dreading it!! Way too much stress, way too many people, way too many late nights!! I think that I might like to disappear for a week or two. Oh well, I'll brave through somehow.
The weather has been pretty nice here, a little chilly today but not too bad. And gas is down to $2.10!!! Miracles never cease huh?! Maybe you all should move to the south - every things cheaper down here, and I could use some good company :)
We also have a bunch of puppies right now!! Both of our dogs decided to go within a few weeks of each other - oh boy it should be interesting as they get bigger. Well I should head off to bed before I fall asleep at the computer. Be good ya'll!
Hey Sarah... I thought maybe your sister had her baby...;) cute kitty..!!!! I'll see you next week.....
So cute!! :)
Oh no!Not another cat!! Just teachit to be kinder than Peaches, please??! :) If you need to 'disappear' you can always come see me again, but I think you'll make it.:) Amy
By the way, gas is $1.87 here. ;-) I hope "Come and See" goes well!
Cute kitten! Can't wiat to see you next week at the Jubilee!!
Haha, when I read the title, I was going "Wow, Sam had her baby already? Isn't that kind of early?", but it was a cat instead. Haha. She's cute.
Sarah,Sarah! Not another CAT!!! It does look half way nice though!
Congrats on the new feline:)
As I write this, 47 people from church are on their way down to Jubilee. I pray you have a wonderful time. May not be relaxing, but I hope it's FUN for you this year!
I like your honesty! Sometimes when we were traveling, going to special meetings, I would long for just some "quiet" so I can understand how you feel. I am sure once you see all your friends though you will have a blast. Actually, it is probably already over as I am writing this : ) so I will say, you probably had a good time.
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