Friday, October 24, 2008

Well I just went to the doctor ...

And found out absolutely nothing!!!
I have had a sore throat for about 4 months - off and on. So my mom finally made me go to the doctor tonight. Well they tested me for mono and strep throat - and both of them came back negative!! I knew that they would, but we had to make sure I wasn't dying from some dreadful disease. :) So they squeezed blood out of me, and stuck a swab down my throat ... just to find out that I'm "healthy".
They told me that it could be allergies, or there's also a small possibility that it's the air conditioning. The doctor was like, "Both of the tests came back negative, and as for your chronic sore throat. I'm really not sure what's wrong." Of course that's exactly what I wanted to hear!! There has to be a solution! Anybody have some good ideas??
Well anyway ... I thought that I should inform you all how annoying it is to be sick - and not know why!!!!
I should be heading off to bed,
Be good,
Oh, and by the way - please pray that my sore throat goes away soon :)


Amanda said...

My throat gets sore if I'm around Kitty too much, if I'm cooped up with the air conditioner too much, or if I go too long without dusting my room. Are any of those possible causes? I hope you're feeling better soon! =) Sore throats aren't any fun.

Are you taking any vitamin C?

Anonymous said...

Hey Sar, hope you feel better soon!!

Anonymous said...

My brother was sick for a few months and as soon as he stopped using his air he started getting better. If you use a fan a lot that can do it, too. Hope you fell better!

Sarah P said...

Yeah, I have been taking vitamin C ... and it better NOT be my cat - she would be heartbroken :) No, I've had her for over two years and I just got this sore throat a few months ago. Maybe it is the air, we've stopped using it now that fall is getting closer. :)

arielle said...

aw hope your throat gets better soon! thats no fun :(

Anonymous said...

Poor Sar! Hope you feel better soon! You were hacking your head off at our house!!! Did you get my letter yet?
By the way- thats not enough pictures and it was only the side of your face! Have Beth take some or something or I might forget what you look like!!!

arielle said...

Tag! You're it! ((check out my blog)) :o)

Katie said...

You've been tagged!!!!! Check out my blog.... :-)

Anonymous said...

I know... it's malaria! :-) Just kidding, though I did just find out this week a sore throat IS a symptom of malaria. Been around any African mosquitoes in the past couple months? :-)