Friday, October 3, 2008

Fall coming to the South :)

Well it seems like fall is finally coming to the south!
We have some trees outside the window that are turning red, and the mornings are getting down right chilly! Yay, I love this time of year. I always anxious to get outside, breath in deep, and just sniff. Yeah, kind of strange - but I love it!
Today was a field trip for our school, so we went to some kind of Old fashioned, craft fair thing, that was pretty neat. People dressed up all over the place, making lye soap, candles, weaving, and all kinds of neat stuff. Bethany loved it, because she got out of school for the day :) I love to wander around and see all the 1800's cabins and everything too. Abby (a friend from church) and I both love that kind of thing, so we had a good time exploring the past times.
A new kid came in from Mexico on Tuesday. He only speaks very broken English, so that should be a interesting challenge that we don't have everyday! Is there anybody who speaks Spanish, who wants to come down here and interpret for awhile?? So far there have been no problems - thank goodness!
Be good everyone, okay! Miss you all bunches :)
"til next time.
Your southern Sar :)


Arianna said...

Hey Sar! Sounds like you guys had fun... Fall is here for us too....I love Fall =) We have guests with us right now, so we've just been hanging out with them...lots of fun! Oh, by the way, I started up a blog last month. , if you want to come check it out. Love ya ;)

Anonymous said...

Fall's a great season; that old-fashioned craft fair sounds like it was interesting! I hope all goes well with the Mexican boy.

Anonymous said...

Sounds fun Sar! I LOVE that old fashioned stuff too!!!!

Maybe you should learn Spanish. You never know what that kid from Mexico could be saying about you in Spanish!

I got your letter today and laughed my way through it! You are great! Miss ya bunches!