Saturday, August 9, 2008

At the Reynolds

Mahlon Hersherger, I was there when he was born!!!

The parents were hoping for a boy,
so poor Elsie had to be wrapped up in blue blankets!!

Amy listening to Elsie's heartbeat
Amy weighing Elsie, while I took down the measurements

Glad to be on the blog :) I'm at the Reynolds House and I've been persuaded
to make a blog. Life here has been extremely fun! Amy is a crazy girl - but we all
love her for it! I've been to a birth w/ her so far and missed one too! You never know
what is going on, when you're with a midwife! It's pretty neat to be with her,
I learn so much all the time!
I actually got to count someones pulse the other day, listen to a baby's heartbeat
and feel one in the mommy's belly. Awesome!
Gotta run!

The two proffesionals playing the piano!!

Making yummy cookies :)

Amy trying to get dirty - and managing quite well!

(I did start it though!)

Looking busy :)

(I did pose for this pic because Amy wanted to take a picture)

Mmm, smellin' good!

No, we weren't dancing! Juli was trying to smear blue paint on me.

Watering the smelly animals


The Reynolds said...

I LOVE it! Aren't we such a great influence?? I absolutely love having you here and may just keep you as my right hand! ~Amy

Anonymous said...

Keep it up Sar! love U tons...

Jenna said...

Wow looks like you are having a lot of fun!! I'm glad you got a blog!

The Sorta Zoo! said...

NICE, just found out you had a blog pretty good!! I think blogging is Fun!!

The Sorta Zoo! said...

Nice blog Sar! Now you can keep us "posted" since you never call us! (Just kidding!) No really, you'll like blogging. By the way, isn't it fun hangin' out with the Reynolds! - Your cuz' Rose

Victoria said...

You look like you're having a great time! Do you think you'll be a midwife someday? Sounds like you like being there with those babies!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah!
I like your blog! Looks like you're having too much fun at the Reynolds with all you're food fights. :) Looking at all those sweets is making me hungry! I hope you're having a great day!

Margaret Dashwood said...

Hey Sarah, you might want to try to re-teach Amy how to use makeup--chocolate foundation doesn't match her very well. =)

Check out our blog sometime if you have the chance! And have fun with the Reynolds!

~Amanda A.