Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Anna Mae grinning for the camera

I miss Hollie so much, she is completely ADORABLE!!!
Us and some of the kids looking at a video.

Grandma reading a story!

And there is my old house!!! We drove by it the other while we were up in NY and I just had to take a picture. Such wonderful memories! So many things came to mind when I saw it- I lived there for 14 years, so you can only imagine how many things I did there!
All the years growing up in that yard, cousins coming over, running in the yard, shoveling snow in the driveway (thats not such a pleasent memory!) mowing grass, climbing trees, playing capture the flag in the backyard, all the bonfires, - I can't even start to remember it all but there was definitely some great times there!
Right now we are in North Carolina for our last meeting and then tomorrow we are supposed to head home! I just can't wait to step into my bedroom again, and see my cat, live in my own kitchen again and have a house again! One more day :) :)


Anonymous said...

Hey- I thought those pics looked familair! Just last night I was uploading the one to our blog.:) Great minds think alike ay? Love the story time with Grandma.:) Your old house must make you kinda sad-makes me sad! Thinking back over the years reminds me of meeting your cousins there,playing on the hammock, mud wars, Sam and I getting ourselves stuck in your big tree,the boys wrestling in the yard, coming over to help till your garden,walks, ice skating w/ you guys on the creek, dollhouse:),sunday afternoon dinners,celabrating my 13th birthday and on it goes...such fun memories! LOve you much! Amy
Sometimes I wish those days would've never ended.:)

Anonymous said...

Hollie & Anne are so cute!

Victoria said...

That picture of Hollie is adorable!!

I still drive by the house I grew up in and still re-live those memories. One day, I'm going to stop in and ask if I can look around...

Arianna said...

Once again, cute pics =) It must have been bitter-sweet to see your old house again. I've been moving since I was a baby, so I've never lived somewhere for most of my life, but I can still imagine how many memories you'd have!

The Sorta Zoo! said...

Ah, I remember best all the games of Capture the Flag! And the tree! I remember climbing the "huge" tree and the tire swing... so much fun! I miss having you living so close...

Katie said...

Aww the pic with your mom reading your nieces and nephews is soo cute....

Carolee's Corner Canary Islands said...

Thanks for posting pictures of Michelle and Chad's children. I probably won't know them when I see them next! They are growing up so quickly.