Thursday, December 10, 2009

I'm Dreaming of a "Green" Christmas LOL

Well it seems like the Christmas weather is finally here! Haha, the past few days have been full of cold windy snowy days :) Kinda interesting and fun to drive in lol. We put our Christmas tree and lights up and now I guess that we're just settling in for the season and long winter ahead of us!

Bri is getting bigger every day. She's such an adorable cutie! Waving now, jabbering, and just making our lives so much brighter and more joyful. What would life be like w/out little kids to make us remember the simple things in life?!

My job is going well, still loving it, and getting to know the kids better every time I work. Each of their own personalities, all the little smiles and tears lol. And of course the screaming tantrums, and kicking and so on! Dont forget that of course :D

God has just been good to me, and I'm thankful for it! I just cant wait for Christmas to be here, altho I still have most of my shopping to get done! Wishing u all a Merry Christmas!!

Our tree, and the pic actually turned out! yay haha

Lights on our window ...


Bri and me!

Bri smilin for the camera lol.

Another picture??? seriously aunt "rara"?

And my personal favorite! Bri and her love of lipgloss! LOL