Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pictures Of Samantha!!!

What a cute tummy!!
Already so hard and round. Little Brianna is gaining some weight!

Here I am, with my happy sister!

Well here are a few pictures of Samantha! People have been begging me for some pregnant pics - so here they are. Rick and her are sooo happy, as you can tell - she's still beaming :) It's gonna be so much fun living right next door to my little niece.
The Boys home has been giving my Dad a lot of problems lately ... so they have been doing a lot of running and cals. What a happy bunch. Umm, yeah right! Well bless their hearts, but they really do need some serious help! We got another new kid in yesterday, so that makes number 16. So far no problems from him. What a huge relief!
So are you all freezing up there yet? Goodnight, it has been pretty chilly down here. There was even a frost this morning! I can't wait for Christmas and New Years. My youth leader informed us all the other day, that Christmas is only 9 weeks away. Time sure does fly when we aren't paying attention. Well enjoy the pictures everyone. And to keep up tradition Rose ... :)
Be good!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Well I just went to the doctor ...

And found out absolutely nothing!!!
I have had a sore throat for about 4 months - off and on. So my mom finally made me go to the doctor tonight. Well they tested me for mono and strep throat - and both of them came back negative!! I knew that they would, but we had to make sure I wasn't dying from some dreadful disease. :) So they squeezed blood out of me, and stuck a swab down my throat ... just to find out that I'm "healthy".
They told me that it could be allergies, or there's also a small possibility that it's the air conditioning. The doctor was like, "Both of the tests came back negative, and as for your chronic sore throat. I'm really not sure what's wrong." Of course that's exactly what I wanted to hear!! There has to be a solution! Anybody have some good ideas??
Well anyway ... I thought that I should inform you all how annoying it is to be sick - and not know why!!!!
I should be heading off to bed,
Be good,
Oh, and by the way - please pray that my sore throat goes away soon :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ranch life continues ...

Well life at the ranch continues ... and ranch boys seem to come and go like the revolving doors at a hotel. I was looking at all the old files the other day, and realized that at least 25 guys have come and gone since we moved here! I was thinking of all those guys - and hoping that they appreciated all that my Dad has done for them. Goodnight, if they only thought about how much he has prayed for and loved them!

Fall is definitely here, temperatures are dropping down to the 60's at night, and all the leaves are starting to change. Nothing spectular like New York or Ohio, but there is quite a bit of red and yellow around. Time to eat apples, bake pies, and drink cider!! I can't wait to for Thanksgiving and Christmas to get here, only a few more months to wait. Wohoo :)

Yesterday Bethany and I were playing a game outside, and I suddenly had the urge to sing "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas". We were half-way through the song, when Will - who is one of the boys - stuck his head out the door and asked who was drowning the cat!! How mean can you get?? All we were doing was singing for goodness sake. :) Your life is always under a microscope around here.

Well people were telling me that I should put more pictures up of me on the blog ... so here's one of me and Peach :) She's one of my best buddies. Talk to ya later, and be good!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Samantha's Ultrasound

Well! Samantha went to the doctor today, and got her first ultrasound! Look at the pictures, isn't the baby soooo cute?? Well I might be a little bit prejudice. :) You really can't tell here, but I'm sure that it's a doll. The baby had her legs crossed during the ultrasound, so the doctor's aren't positive ... but they do think that it's a girl!!! Wohoo!! I so cannot wait for another niece to be born! Just thought that I'd give you all the good news, and some adorable pics before I went to bed.

Here's her cute little profile, say cheese!

I think this is her back ...

Don't ask me ... the head? :)

Samantha is very proud of her little girl's feet!
If you look close you can make out a foot, right in the middle :)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Fall coming to the South :)

Well it seems like fall is finally coming to the south!
We have some trees outside the window that are turning red, and the mornings are getting down right chilly! Yay, I love this time of year. I always anxious to get outside, breath in deep, and just sniff. Yeah, kind of strange - but I love it!
Today was a field trip for our school, so we went to some kind of Old fashioned, craft fair thing, that was pretty neat. People dressed up all over the place, making lye soap, candles, weaving, and all kinds of neat stuff. Bethany loved it, because she got out of school for the day :) I love to wander around and see all the 1800's cabins and everything too. Abby (a friend from church) and I both love that kind of thing, so we had a good time exploring the past times.
A new kid came in from Mexico on Tuesday. He only speaks very broken English, so that should be a interesting challenge that we don't have everyday! Is there anybody who speaks Spanish, who wants to come down here and interpret for awhile?? So far there have been no problems - thank goodness!
Be good everyone, okay! Miss you all bunches :)
"til next time.
Your southern Sar :)