Tuesday, December 23, 2008

So ... only two days??!!

Wow, only two day 'till Christmas!! Everybody ready!!
Christmas is so much different this year, getting ready for a big holiday without baking 20 pies, and cooking 10 hams :) No big rush to get parents to a good hotel, no huge packages for the boys from relatives. No howling boys singing Christmas songs (Ouch! ... ) And no huge Christmas tree decorated by ranch boys! You just never know when your life can drastically change, and I can definitely say that from personal experience!

It was a month ago yesterday, that I left my house for the last time - not even knowing that I wouldn't be coming back! It seems like longer to me, like forever ago! Almost like a different person, different time. I can't really describe it ...

Here are some pictures from last year at Christmas. We made so many memories when we lived down there. Please continue to pray for all the guys that went through the program. They need your prayers to stay strong!
Ben, Adam, and Shane decorating cookies ...
John having a good time!
Roman and the guys making a mess :)
Eating the frosting - the best part :)
Opening presents on Christmas Day.

Our '07 giant Christmas tree - so pretty!

Samantha and Rick, recently engaged. Awwww :)

My family and I in Gatlinburg, Tn - December 2007

Friday, December 19, 2008

A special post .... to my friends Abby and Lydia!

Abby and Lyd!!!
We miss you both SO MUCH!
This post is remind you that we love you TONS!
Here are some pictures - random ones - like you wanted :)
Getting ready to sing at the Christmas Concert


See our beautiful mini tree :)

Bethany trying to be a ballerina!

Peach, "My book protector" sleeping w/ a blanket over her .

All lit up :)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Decorating the Christmas Tree!!

Christmas is only 12 days away!!!
Time flies, are you ready :)
My Dad and Michael putting the lights on ...

Boof stringing beads

Decorations come next, it looks so pretty!

Beth carefully adjusting a ornament
Me :)

And here's the finished product!!! So pretty!

What'd ya think of the Hance's cat? He's absolutely HUGE!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sometimes problems seem so big ...

They hide the light of day,
Sometimes pain cuts so deep, I can't find the words to pray.
Sometimes heartaches seem to be much more than I can stand,
That's when grace seems to take me by the hand.
He gives grace, in the midst of every storm,
God gives grace that carries the weary and worn.
He's everything we ever need, for everything we face
So remember when it seems you can't go on,
God gives grace.
I know every pain I feel becomes His very own,
God knows the weakness of my heart that I can't make it all alone.
For He knows what I can handle and He never gives me more,
When my strength comes to it's end, He has more grace in store!
He gives grace, in the midst of every storm,
God gives grace that carries the weary and worn.
He's everything we ever need, for everything we face
So remember when it seems you can't go on,
God gives grace.
Grace will help you stand when problems seem so tall,
And grace will pick you up, every time you fall!
So remember when it seems you can't go on,
God gives grace.

Friday, December 5, 2008

I'm in Love!!!

And who wouldn't be???!
Isn't she the cutest thing you ever saw?
She's such a happy little girl! Always ready with a giant smile,
and some "blow" kisses.

Grinning for the camera

Having fun, jumping on my lap ...

She loves having her picture taken. Conceited little thing!

"Aww, Cute!" Is what Hollie said about this picture -
I told you that she's conceited!!

She was trying to dodge the camera, but Bethany got her anyway

My little cutie-pie ...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving ....

Well here it is - Thankgiving already.

You know how hard it is to be thankful, really thankful when your world is crashing down around your ears?? Believe me, it's hard. And so far, I'm not doing a very good job. :) We are supposed to move back to New York tomorrow w/ no job, no car, no money, and best of a all - no place to live! Oh yah! Plus leaving everything behind in Alabama, the last time I left my house, I had no idea that I wouldn't be coming back. (And yes, I'm one of those weird people who says "goodbye" to their old house.) I have been crying way more then I thought was possible for me!!

Just pray for us please!!!
Love you all, and have a great Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Hey Everyone,
Please keep on praying for the ranch. The past few days have been so so so hard. I don't think that I have never cried so much in my whole life. Talk about my whole life turning upside down in a second. Watching all of our boys being taken away without a moments notice was soooo hard. They only let us say goodbye to one guy - Roman who was one of the 18 year olds and a leader. I couldn't help but cry when he hugged me goodbye, and thought that is might be the last time we would see him. Just keep us in your prayers please!

Bethany and I are in Tennessee now, we are staying with the Lansing for a few days, just to stay out of harms way. Thankfully we have a very faithful friend Lydia, who has stuck with us through thick and thin. She came with us for moral support, thanks goodness. Just keep on praying please! I love you all.
And as always, be good,

Saturday, November 22, 2008


I have a very urgent prayer request for the Boys Home. One of the former ranch boys filed a complaint against the ranch for child abuse and the police came this morning and took custody of all the boys. We REALLY, REALLY need prayer.
I'm not sure what is going to happen .... the future is very uncertain, and we need some support. Pray that everything works out, and the home doesn't get shut down. Please pray for us ....

Sunday, November 9, 2008

A new addition to the family :)

Well ... we have another kitty!!! Can you believe it!! So cute and cuddly, Pumpkin is about 13 weeks old, and as cute as ever! Peaches hasn't decided if she really likes him or not, but I think that they will become best buddies pretty fast.

The first day she decided to take refuge on top of our cupboards (like way high up over every one's heads!!!) But I think that she is getting used to the idea and starting to enjoy the playtime with him :) Poor cat, she went through a traumatic experience being dethroned after 2 years!

The "Come and See Jubilee" starts a week from tomorrow, and I am personally dreading it!! Way too much stress, way too many people, way too many late nights!! I think that I might like to disappear for a week or two. Oh well, I'll brave through somehow.
The weather has been pretty nice here, a little chilly today but not too bad. And gas is down to $2.10!!! Miracles never cease huh?! Maybe you all should move to the south - every things cheaper down here, and I could use some good company :)
We also have a bunch of puppies right now!! Both of our dogs decided to go within a few weeks of each other - oh boy it should be interesting as they get bigger. Well I should head off to bed before I fall asleep at the computer. Be good ya'll!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pictures Of Samantha!!!

What a cute tummy!!
Already so hard and round. Little Brianna is gaining some weight!

Here I am, with my happy sister!

Well here are a few pictures of Samantha! People have been begging me for some pregnant pics - so here they are. Rick and her are sooo happy, as you can tell - she's still beaming :) It's gonna be so much fun living right next door to my little niece.
The Boys home has been giving my Dad a lot of problems lately ... so they have been doing a lot of running and cals. What a happy bunch. Umm, yeah right! Well bless their hearts, but they really do need some serious help! We got another new kid in yesterday, so that makes number 16. So far no problems from him. What a huge relief!
So are you all freezing up there yet? Goodnight, it has been pretty chilly down here. There was even a frost this morning! I can't wait for Christmas and New Years. My youth leader informed us all the other day, that Christmas is only 9 weeks away. Time sure does fly when we aren't paying attention. Well enjoy the pictures everyone. And to keep up tradition Rose ... :)
Be good!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Well I just went to the doctor ...

And found out absolutely nothing!!!
I have had a sore throat for about 4 months - off and on. So my mom finally made me go to the doctor tonight. Well they tested me for mono and strep throat - and both of them came back negative!! I knew that they would, but we had to make sure I wasn't dying from some dreadful disease. :) So they squeezed blood out of me, and stuck a swab down my throat ... just to find out that I'm "healthy".
They told me that it could be allergies, or there's also a small possibility that it's the air conditioning. The doctor was like, "Both of the tests came back negative, and as for your chronic sore throat. I'm really not sure what's wrong." Of course that's exactly what I wanted to hear!! There has to be a solution! Anybody have some good ideas??
Well anyway ... I thought that I should inform you all how annoying it is to be sick - and not know why!!!!
I should be heading off to bed,
Be good,
Oh, and by the way - please pray that my sore throat goes away soon :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ranch life continues ...

Well life at the ranch continues ... and ranch boys seem to come and go like the revolving doors at a hotel. I was looking at all the old files the other day, and realized that at least 25 guys have come and gone since we moved here! I was thinking of all those guys - and hoping that they appreciated all that my Dad has done for them. Goodnight, if they only thought about how much he has prayed for and loved them!

Fall is definitely here, temperatures are dropping down to the 60's at night, and all the leaves are starting to change. Nothing spectular like New York or Ohio, but there is quite a bit of red and yellow around. Time to eat apples, bake pies, and drink cider!! I can't wait to for Thanksgiving and Christmas to get here, only a few more months to wait. Wohoo :)

Yesterday Bethany and I were playing a game outside, and I suddenly had the urge to sing "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas". We were half-way through the song, when Will - who is one of the boys - stuck his head out the door and asked who was drowning the cat!! How mean can you get?? All we were doing was singing for goodness sake. :) Your life is always under a microscope around here.

Well people were telling me that I should put more pictures up of me on the blog ... so here's one of me and Peach :) She's one of my best buddies. Talk to ya later, and be good!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Samantha's Ultrasound

Well! Samantha went to the doctor today, and got her first ultrasound! Look at the pictures, isn't the baby soooo cute?? Well I might be a little bit prejudice. :) You really can't tell here, but I'm sure that it's a doll. The baby had her legs crossed during the ultrasound, so the doctor's aren't positive ... but they do think that it's a girl!!! Wohoo!! I so cannot wait for another niece to be born! Just thought that I'd give you all the good news, and some adorable pics before I went to bed.

Here's her cute little profile, say cheese!

I think this is her back ...

Don't ask me ... the head? :)

Samantha is very proud of her little girl's feet!
If you look close you can make out a foot, right in the middle :)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Fall coming to the South :)

Well it seems like fall is finally coming to the south!
We have some trees outside the window that are turning red, and the mornings are getting down right chilly! Yay, I love this time of year. I always anxious to get outside, breath in deep, and just sniff. Yeah, kind of strange - but I love it!
Today was a field trip for our school, so we went to some kind of Old fashioned, craft fair thing, that was pretty neat. People dressed up all over the place, making lye soap, candles, weaving, and all kinds of neat stuff. Bethany loved it, because she got out of school for the day :) I love to wander around and see all the 1800's cabins and everything too. Abby (a friend from church) and I both love that kind of thing, so we had a good time exploring the past times.
A new kid came in from Mexico on Tuesday. He only speaks very broken English, so that should be a interesting challenge that we don't have everyday! Is there anybody who speaks Spanish, who wants to come down here and interpret for awhile?? So far there have been no problems - thank goodness!
Be good everyone, okay! Miss you all bunches :)
"til next time.
Your southern Sar :)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Well, I am here to reminisce about the past! I was looking through some pictures on my computer today, and came across the one's from Tennessee - oh how much I miss it! There was so many beautiful things about that place. (Of course along with the ticks, fleas, and roaches!) But it was a wonderful place to live and nothing will ever replace it. I will always remember the wild freedom that seemed to surround the Boy's home, all the horses roaming through the pasture, living on a dead end road :) seeming to be far away from everything and everybody .. and those beautiful mountians! Everywhere I looked, beauty seemed to be around me! I just wanted to share some pictures with you all - so you can oh and ah with me! It really was a beautiful place to live.

The Boys home is back from Florida and school is in full swing again. So far everything has been pretty calm, so I'm hoping that it stays that way! Please pray for a few of our guys that have some hard decisions coming up. Josh, a boy that just left the program a few weeks ago - is doing well living in Ohio and attending a Christian School there. Please also pray that he will do well with the new surroundings. We all just have to remember that you never know when God will work in someone's life.
I miss you all, and hope that everyone is doing okay :) As always, I miss the Reynolds and have had a fleeting thought or two .. of just showing up on their doorstep someday! Wow, wouldn't that be a surprise! Well watch out Amy and Juli - scary Sarah might come back :)
Love ya all!

Oh how much I miss those beautiful mountians!

The sunset in our back yard.
Bethany riding our horse Stormy, w/ Victor leading.

Our pond in the winter time.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Wow, what a busy life :)

Well hello everyone!

Life has been extremely busy lately ... but hey what else is new right?!
My family and I went to Florida for a few days and actually got to relax a little bit!!! (Are you dieing of a heart attack yet?!) It was a lot of fun, we went to the beach, shopping, resting, sleeping in late, and watching Andy Griffith - which always makes everything better. :)

Bethany turned 13 on Friday, and we are bemoaning the fact that we are all now in our teenage years and older. What is this world coming too?? I can't believe that my boof is already so grown-up ... well, in years anyway! I'm not so sure about the rest of her - the crazy child, I love her to pieces though. :)

Two boys went home this past week, Josh and Sergio. Pray for them if you think of it, they'll definitely need all the prayer that they can get. Yikes! Josh had been here a full year and graduated with honors. Sergio on the other hand - weeellllll, lets just say he left :) Anyways, Josh is being missed by just about everyone -don't ask me why, since he was such a grump all the time, but hey if you spend a year with somebody, you do tend to get somewhat attached. My mom and dad were both really close to him. So just pray for both of the guys, okay? :)

There are rumors of going to Florida again on Wednesday for the blowout in Pensacola - so far I am hoping and hoping, that they are only rumors! I am ready to stay home for awhile! But I do tend to get yanked along with everyone else, bohoo! Well whatever happens, hopefully I come out on the other side ... still alive :)

Friday, September 5, 2008

Sarah, we've got a runner

Well today was very interesting to say the least!

My Dad has been sick with a 102 fever the past week, so today we finally put our feet down and made him stay in bed and rest! (Believe me, it is not a easy thing to do!) Anyways, he did manage to rest quite a bit of day, and I was just starting to pat myself on the back for being a good nurse when there was a loud bang on the door and I went to answer it.

"Sarah, we've got a hot foot" Bro. Daniel was at the door, and my heart beat picked up just hearing that!

"You mean like a runner?" I asked, just to make sure. :) Hey I was trying to be a optimist! Yeah, the new boy ran away and immediate chaos reigned! People running everywhere and boys spreading in twenty different directions. Sorry make that 15, but close enough.

My Dad, (who don't forget - has a 102 fever) of course jumps off the couch and hops into one of the vans and takes off down the road. Everyone was gone for about 20 minutes and then the van pulls back into the driveway, with a kicking and fiting ranch boy!!

Come to find out that my Dad had saw him coming out of the woods, jumped out of the van and football tackled him!!! Yeah, now that's what I'm talking about, go Dad!

Monday, September 1, 2008

My wonderful kitty, Peaches!

This post is dedicated to my wonderful and adorable cat ... Peaches. I missed her soooo much on my six week trip that it was unbelievable!! So much that we have been through together! Some people claim that she's a "devil cat" and lets just put it this way ... umm - they have walked away with a sore leg before. (Grin and more grins!) Just ask any of the ranch guys and some of the Reynolds for example! They have all experienced my defensive side a little bit :) :)
Anyway, she really is the sweetest and cutest kitty that you will find for miles around. And these pictures are evidence to that! Tonight while I was sitting at my computer desk trying to get a letter wrote, she jumped up on my lap, purring away and nozzling at my hand just wanting to be pet. And of course you can guess ... the letter didn't get written and the cat got pet, she's so spoiled rotten! And the best part of it all is - she's mine!

Okay, I know by now that you all have got bored out of your minds - so I'll stop blabbering on and on. Sorry about that, but if you had a cat as cute as mine, you would blabber on too.

We got home on Thursday night and the past few days I have just been soaking up the feeling of FINALLY being home, I love it! Just being able to have your own bathroom, your own bedroom, your own house! It's a wonderful feeling believe me :) I can run around the house looking like a hurricane just hit me and nobody cares!! Wohoo! Completely a awesome feeling!

The only bad thing about being home is missing the Reynolds house ... I can't stop thinking about and reliving it over and over in my mind! It was such a great and awesome time that I will always remember! All the escapades and late nights, great talks and crazy water wars :) Just everything I did there was a blast - even feeding and milking the cows!! If only the boys knew that I could carry so much stuff around, they wouldn't be so helpful anymore :)
Well for this post I just wanted to brag on my Peaches, isn't she a doll???!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Anna Mae grinning for the camera

I miss Hollie so much, she is completely ADORABLE!!!
Us and some of the kids looking at a video.

Grandma reading a story!

And there is my old house!!! We drove by it the other while we were up in NY and I just had to take a picture. Such wonderful memories! So many things came to mind when I saw it- I lived there for 14 years, so you can only imagine how many things I did there!
All the years growing up in that yard, cousins coming over, running in the yard, shoveling snow in the driveway (thats not such a pleasent memory!) mowing grass, climbing trees, playing capture the flag in the backyard, all the bonfires, - I can't even start to remember it all but there was definitely some great times there!
Right now we are in North Carolina for our last meeting and then tomorrow we are supposed to head home! I just can't wait to step into my bedroom again, and see my cat, live in my own kitchen again and have a house again! One more day :) :)